Physical & Occupational Therapy
Outpatient Office and Homecare

P: (718) - THERAPY

Physical & Occupational Therapy
Outpatient Office and Homecare

P: (718) - THERAPY

856 46th Street Brooklyn, NY 11220
Sun – Fri: 9:30 AM – 8:00 PM

Physical & Occupational Therapy
Outpatient Office and Homecare

856 46th Street Brooklyn, NY 11220
Sun – Fri: 9:30 AM – 8:00 PM

Fall 2023 Solutions to Scoliosis Therapy-In-Motion’s New Facility


Fall 2023 Brings Solutions to Scoliosis with the Launch of Therapy-In-Motion's Brooklyn Facility

By: Dr. Abe Kopolovich, DPT, MBA, JD-IP

Posture correction is essential for overall well-being and a healthy lifestyle. Poor posture can lead to numerous issues, including muscle aches and pains, joint stiffness, poor circulation, impaired breathing, decreased self-esteem and more. That’s why it’s so important to correct your posture as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are now innovative solutions available that not only improve physical health but also provide mental benefits as well!

A new center in Boro Park Brooklyn offers an exciting opportunity for those looking to correct their posture with the help of physical therapy – Therapy-In-Motion has launched a new facility focused on providing scoliosis treatment through movement classes and individual sessions. 

Their approach is designed by experts in the field who understand the complexities of this condition and how best to address them with personalized care plans tailored specifically to each patient’s needs. 

With high-quality services that focus on both physical and mental health outcomes — Therapy In Motion provides innovative solutions for improving postural alignment while simultaneously helping individuals build strength, flexibility, balance & coordination skills necessary for better daily functioning!

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a medical condition characterized by an abnormal curvature of the spine. It usually appears in children and adolescents but can also occur in adults. 

The most common symptom is a lateral or sideways curvature of the spine that produces an S or C shape when viewed from behind. Other symptoms may include uneven shoulders, one hip higher than the other, unequal arm length, rib cage deformities and difficulty standing up straight. In more severe cases, scoliosis can lead to pain and decreased mobility due to spinal compression.

Scoliosis is caused by several factors, including genetic predisposition, congenital abnormalities such as bone defects or defective connective tissue (such as ligaments), muscle imbalances and neurological problems like cerebral palsy or muscular dystrophy.

Physical Therapy for Scoliosis

Physical therapy is an important part of scoliosis treatment. It helps to strengthen the muscles and improve flexibility to support the spine’s alignment, as well as reduce pain and discomfort associated with the condition. 

Physical therapists may also use specialized stretching techniques such as Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation (PNF) or Active Range of Motion (AROM). Additionally, electrical stimulation, ultrasound and heat therapy are often used to help reduce spasms, relax tense muscles and increase circulation.

Exercises tailored for people with scoliosis focus on core stability exercises that aim to promote good posture by strengthening both back extensors and abdominal muscles. These exercises can be done at home or in a physical therapist’s office under their guidance. 

Breathwork is another effective way to help realign the spine while releasing tension from tight areas; it involves deep breathing techniques that bring oxygen into the body’s cells, helping them heal more quickly.

Finally, bracing is another important component of treating scoliosis effectively. Bracing works by applying pressure against certain parts of your body so that they can gradually move into better alignment over time—it’s important for patients using braces to continue their other treatments such as physical therapy in order for this process to work correctly!

FALL 2023: Therapy-In-Motion New Center in Boro Park Brooklyn

At Therapy-In-Motion, we understand how important it is to receive personalized care tailored specifically for each patient’s needs. That’s why our new facility in Boro Park Brooklyn offers a comprehensive approach to scoliosis treatment that includes physical therapy, psychological counseling and bracing solutions.

Our physical therapy treatments are designed by experts in the field who understand the complexities of this condition and how best to address them with personalized care plans tailored specifically to each patient’s needs. 

We offer movement classes as well as individual sessions focused on improving postural alignment while simultaneously helping individuals build strength, flexibility, balance & coordination skills necessary for better daily functioning!

The Benefits of Posture Correction

Posture correction has been shown to have a positive effect on physical and mental health. Poor posture can lead to pain, fatigue, difficulty breathing and other problems. Correcting one’s posture can help prevent or reduce back pain, neck strain, headaches and joint discomfort. 

It also helps improve circulation throughout the body by decreasing pressure on nerves in the spine. Furthermore, correcting your posture can provide you with a more confident appearance which may boost self-esteem and overall well-being.

Standing taller not only improves our physical health but it also boosts our mood! When we stand up straight with good posture it sends signals of confidence to those around us—this is especially important when engaging in conversations or presenting ourselves in public settings such as job interviews or networking events. 

Correcting your posture doesn’t just make you look better —it also makes you feel better too! Good postural alignment helps maintain proper spinal curvature while allowing for deeper breaths, which increase oxygen intake into the cells, helping them heal more efficiently; this improved circulation leads to enhanced energy levels throughout the day – making tasks easier & reducing stress-related symptoms like tension headaches & fatigue brought about by poor positioning habits over time (such as sitting at desks all day). 

Additionally, maintaining correct spinal alignment places less strain on muscles & joints, so there will be fewer aches & pains experienced during activities such as running or playing sports—allowing us to enjoy these activities even longer without having to worry about injury-related repercussions down the line!

At Therapy-In-Motion we understand how important good postural alignment is to overall well-being, which is why our new facility in Boro Park, Brooklyn offers a comprehensive approach to scoliosis treatment, including physical therapy treatments such as massage & movement classes along with psychological counseling services aimed at improving personal confidence & self-esteem levels among those affected by this condition. 

We also specialize in bracing solutions tailored specifically for each patient’s needs – incorporating both traditional orthotic braces (such as corset-style orthoses) and night splints designed to gently stretch out tight muscles during sleep.

If you are struggling with scoliosis or poor postural alignment issues call us today at 435-7000! Our knowledgeable team of experts is here to help you achieve better posture through personalized care plans tailored specifically for your individual needs—helping make everyday life easier while enjoying activities like never before!

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856 46th Street Brooklyn,
NY 11220


P: (718) 843-7279
F: (718) 435 -7066